Term & Condition:
Minimum Deposit For Only MYR 100 or SGD 50 Per Ticket.
UW88 Jackpot Event Will Start on every 1st date of the months, Results will be draw on the last date of the months. Follow & Like UW88 Facebook ( UW88 有影娱乐城 ) ! Results will be announced during Facebook Live .
Mega Jackpot will be chosen in 7 digits format. 1st Prize , 2nd Prize , 3rd Prize and 4th Prize will be chosen in 5 digits numbers. Ticket number will be given in 7 digits format.
For example, ticket number "8194023" is given to Player. 1st Prize , 2nd Prize , 3rd Prize and 4th Prize will be chosen based on the last 5 digits of the ticket numbers. However, Mega Jackpot will be chosen based on exact 7 digits of the ticket numbers.